Qr Bill

Return a Swiss QR code as an image

POST /qr-code

Generate a QR code image from the payment information



Field Type Description Required
creditor object
Field Type Description Required
name string Full name of beneficiary YES
addressLine1 string Street and building number or P.O. Box NO
addressLine2 string Postal code and town YES
country string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, default: CH NO
currency string the currency code (default: CHF) NO
amount string What amount is to be paid (string representation of decimal using "." as delimiter) NO
customerIdentification string You receive this number from your bank (BESR-ID). Unless your bank is PostFinance, in that case leave empty YES
referenceNumber string This is what you will need to identify incoming payments (e.g. an invoice number) NO
paymentMessage string Optional human-readable message that can be used to indicate the payment purpose, in addition to the reference number NO
iban string Which bank account will receive the payment (IBAN or QR-IBAN) YES
ultimateDebtor object
Field Type Description Required
name string Full name of debtor YES
addressLine1 string Street and building number or P.O. Box NO
addressLine2 string Postal code and town YES
country string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, default: CH NO


Header Value
application/json, image/svg+xml, image/png or application/pdf. PDF will return the whole printable payment part, while PNG/SVG will only return the QR code. JSON can be combined with one image format. Image format will fallback on png.


Status Codes


Header Value
success is application/json, image/svg+xml or image/png or application/pdf, failure is application/json